About Us

We started the Museum Of UnCut Funk as a way to express our love for 1970's Black culture. We are collectors of unique artifacts ranging from original Black animation art used under the camera to produce 1970's cartoons, comic books featuring the first Black superheroes, coins featuring Black history icons and so much more. We have curated several successful traveling exhibitions that have been seen by 322,459 people to date. Our exhibitions have traveled to several museums including The Black History Museum Of Virginia, The Gilcrease Museum, the Federal Reserve Bank Of Kansas City, The DuSable Museum and The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

We have been featured in the The New York Times (twice), More, Savoy, Upscale, King, Complex, Ebony (online), Essence, Fast Company Design, NPR, Rolling Out, The Source, Inside NJ, The Intelligent Collector Magazine, The Guardian, USA Today and US Of America. We have been featured on Here And Now, NY-1, Positively Black, Weekender Report, the Seattle Evening Magazine, One on One with Steve Adubato and BET Tonight with Ed Gordon.

This lead us to create a unique collection of t-shirts, hoodies, mugs and other funky gift items that celebrate 1970's Black Culture, Black history and our museum.

We also started an initiative called Tell The Truth Teach The Truth, that demands that the truth about Black history be taught in all K-12 classrooms. 

So come in, look around, shop, and sign our Tell The Truth Teach The Truth campaign petition and be a part of change. 
